In this project we created a python script that integrated the UAV Hardware subsytem, Image processing system, and Air Delivery subsystem to allow the drone to perform a competition ready mission. We also created a data transfer system where the drone would send the photos taken during a mission to the ground station controller for the computer to run Image Processing subsystem’s object detection algorithm. Once the objects have been correctly identified, the drone would fly to the targets and trigger Air Delivery subsystem’s payload drop mechanism to deliver the appropriate payload to the corresponding target.
I first joined the VIP: UHDT as my EE296 course during Spring 2022. I was initially in the UAV hardware subsystem since I thought my experience in high school robotics would contribute helpful designs and skills to the team. But as I take my courses focused in computer and electrical engineering, I decided to join the software team. I then realized that working with computer, code, and electrical systems was challenging and enjoyable at the same time. At this point this has helped me realize I wanted to work in embedded systems in the future. Now, Fall 2024, I am currently working towards my senior design (EE496) project.