Not So Bad JavaScript

30 Aug 2023

Initial Thoughts

JavaScript, the only coding language that always makes me think about a good cup of coffee to help me grind on projects. With four coding languages now in my collection, I never thought this would be so much easier compared to the other three I have learned and worked with so far. Unlike C and C++, Javascript is not too heavy on data types. Working with this advantage allows me to think more about the coding problem than questioning myself “Should this be a ‘float’ or an ‘int’?”. Compared to python, Javascript’s syntax is very easy to follow. Since I am more familiar with C and C++ syntax than python, I was able to learn the language pretty quickly.

Room For Improvements

Although JavaScript is quite easy to work with so far, that doesn’t mean I have mastered it. Just like every other skills there are always room for improvements. Similarly to how I have practiced with C and C++, I will be practicing my coding skills by answering LeetCode questions to help enhance my JavaScript skills. I will start by rewriting the C and C++ questions I have already answered to JavaScript then proceed to answer new questions once I know I familiarize myself more with JavaScript.

As of now working on the WODs had been very doable and enjoyable with the use of JavaScript. If anything I struggle more on my logical thinking rather than JavaScript syntax errors. WODs have been very helpful learning this new language. It is similar to LeetCode where a question or prompt is presented and has to be answered through lines of code. Obviously, the WODs will eventually get harder overtime. As mentioned practice is key. Investing a lot of my time in learning such language can help me succeed in ICS 314 and in my future careers.